LACORO 2025 will take place at the Universidad de O'Higgins in Rancagua, Chile, located about 1 hour south of the capital and the main international Airport. The Universidad de O'Higgins ( is a new national university created in 2017 with a strong focus on research. The Institute of Engineering Sciences of the university will host the event through its Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory.
Avenida Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 611, Rancagua.
There are three options to travel from the Airport to Rancagua and the Universidad de O'Higgins/your hotel:
Book a transfer that will pick you up directly at the Airport and bring you to UOH or your hotel in Rancagua, e.g.:
If you choose the alternative of transportation by bus, it has a departure frequency every 30 minutes / 60 minutes (depending on the time of day). Each ticket costs approximately 3-3.5 USD.
If you will be traveling from Santiago to Rancagua, the following is strongly recommended:
If you choose the alternative of transportation by train, it has a departure frequency every 30 minutes / 60 minutes (depending on the time of day). Each trip costs approximately USD 3-3.5. The itinerary of departure times is updated month by month in the Official X profile of Metro Tren Efe Estación Central-Rancagua. Here is a link updated to date: monthly schedule.
If you will be traveling from Santiago to Rancagua or vice versa, the following is strongly recommended:
There are various hotels and hostels in Rancagua. Below, we have included a preliminary list of recommended places, including: Name, Address, Price per night (approx), and Website homepages.